ISO 639.2 Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages
Government of Canada English-French dictionary of accessibility terms
UX accessibility for elderly: 12 principles
How to stay on brand while meeting Success Criterion 1.4.3:Â
Captioning for sound effects and music
Protects Students With Disabilities (FAQ About Section 504 and the Education of Children with Disabilities)
Current-curb effect: Universal design term identified by Stanford’s Angela Blackwell (2017) regarding how programs designed to benefit vulnerable groups, such as people with disabilities or people of color, often end up benefiting all of society. More info: Facebook alternative text:
Current-curb effect: Universal design term identified by Stanford’s Angela Blackwell (2017) regarding how programs designed to benefit vulnerable groups, such as people with disabilities or people of color, often end up benefiting all of society. More info: Facebook alternative text:
Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR): Instead of referring to formally “certifying” a digital product, the industry standard is to make a Conformance Statement (as designated by standards such as WCAG) about a product, with the most formal version being an Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR) built from the industry standard template known as a VPAT. (People often informally refer to ACRs as “VPATs”, in fact you’ll hear “VPAT” more often than “ACR” in the U.S. However, strictly speaking, the VPAT is the template, and ACR is the report that results from its use.)
Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR): Instead of referring to formally “certifying” a digital product, the industry standard is to make a Conformance Statement (as designated by standards such as WCAG) about a product, with the most formal version being an Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR) built from the industry standard template known as a VPAT. (People often informally refer to ACRs as “VPATs”, in fact you’ll hear “VPAT” more often than “ACR” in the U.S. However, strictly speaking, the VPAT is the template, and ACR is the report that results from its use.)
Accessible language: Accessible language is language that accommodates people of all ages and abilities, including those with cognitive disabilities, people with low literacy skills, and speakers of various languages.
Accessible language: Accessible language is language that accommodates people of all ages and abilities, including those with cognitive disabilities, people with low literacy skills, and speakers of various languages.
Accessibility: Accessibility refers to the degree to which your product, website, or application is inclusive of, and usable by, the broadest range of individuals. Accessibility is most commonly measured by conformity with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
Accessibility: Accessibility refers to the degree to which your product, website, or application is inclusive of, and usable by, the broadest range of individuals. Accessibility is most commonly measured by conformity with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).